Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph-Mass Sprectrometer GC-17A high grade gas chromatograph designed for easier and more precise capilliary gas chromatography, coupled with a Shimadzu Mass Spectrpometer QP-5050A (a compact high performance quadropole mass spectrometer) EI with class 5K advanced. This GC/MS system achieves a wider mass range detection – m/z 10-900 AMU – which significantly broadens the range of possible GC/MS applications. The GCMS-QP5050A can detect 100 pg of methylstearate at S/N 60. Both CI and Negative CI (NCI) are available as alternate ionization modes, allowing an even greater range of compounds to be detected. Switching ionization modes is easy; PCI and EI can be run without changing hardware, as can NCI and EI.
This Shimadzu GCMS-QP5050A with a Shimadzu GC-17A will be sold as it is. No warranty is provided.
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