The Beckman P/ACE MDQ Capillary Electrophoresis System is ideal for research, methods development and quality control applications. It is configured with a selectable-wavelength UV/Vis detector, UV source optics, temperature-controlled sample storage module, and 32 Karat Software configured on an desktop controller. The P/ACE MDQ system offers automated multi-format sample introduction directly from 96 well plates, 2 mL autosampler vials, PCR vials, and 0.5 mL tubes. An array of 36 buffer pairs independent from the samples allows your methods development strategies to be automated while maintaining system sample capacity. The P/ACE MDQ electrophoresis system offers multiple modes of separation, including voltage, current, power, pressure, and vacuum, allowing the programming of both step and linear gradients along with the simultaneous application of pressure or vacuum on both ends of the capillary. This system features a modular high sensitivity selectable wavelength UV detector, which utilizes up to seven filters in an assembly which allows wavelength changes during a run. Sample temperature control within the P/ACE MDQ system works to minimize the degradation of temperature-labile compounds and controlling reaction rates when looking at enzyme kinetics.
The Dual Wavelength Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) 488NM Detection System extends the capabilities of capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of carbohydrates and nucleic acids and other compounds which either naturally fluorescence or that can be made to fluoresce through sample derivitization. LIF provides both selectivity and sensitivity to any analysis and typically yields 500 x better sensitivity than UV for compounds which fluoresce. The P/ACE MDQ LIF detector is modular and will allow simultaneous excitation using two laser sources.
5 tested and working sets are available in stock, with software included.