The On-line TOC-VCSH can be used for Continuous automatic high-sensitivity monitoring of water samples such as pure water and tap water. Combustion catalytic oxidation / NDIR method The functionality for continuous automatic measurement has bee added to the ability of the combustion catalytic oxidation/NDIR TOC-V Series to perform high-performance, high sensitivity measurement of organic substances.
- Measurement method 680ºC combustion catalytic oxidation/NDIR method, 720ºC combustion catalytic oxidation/ chemiluminescence method
- Measurement range TC: 0-500 ìg/L to 0-25,000 mg/L variable, IC: 0-500 ìg/L to 0-30,000 mg/L variable
- Measurement cycle Approx. 5 to 999 minutes (for NPOC measurement)
- Number of measurement channels 1 channel
- Reproducibility CV 1.5% max.
- Linearity ±2% F.S. max.
- Zero stability ±2% F.S. max. per day
- Span stability ±2% F.S. max. per day (ambient temperature fluctuations within 5ºC)
- Calibration cycle Variable in the range 1 to 999 hours
- Sample injection method Automatic injection using syringe pump/slider
- Sample injection volume Variable in the range 10 to 2,000 uL
- Sample dilution function Diluted in syringe; dilution factor: 2 to 50