The ACQUITY QDA detector is used as intuitively as an optical detector, with the robustness required to process all your analyzes. It perfectly complements your chromatographic system; it is pre-optimized to analyze the samples with the procedures in place, without any specific adjustment as required by a conventional mass spectrometer. For the first time, chromatographers can obtain mass spectra of the highest quality with maximum reproducibility, routinely, without specific training or expertise, without subcontracting or delay due to waiting for results from external laboratories.
CM-A Column Manager PN 186015043
Sample Manager – FTN PN 186015017
QSM (Quaternary Solvent Manager) PN 186015018
QDA Detector/ Mass Spectrometer PN 186006511
QDA Performance Capability Kit PN 186006513
eLACE / E32 Acquisition Server (optional) PN 668000443
Empower 3 Systems QT Software